Books written by Richard W. Hamming.
Richard Hamming won the Turing prize in 1968 for his work on numerical methods, automatic coding systems, and error-detecting and error-correcting codes.

The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn
Highly effective thinking is an art that engineers and scientists can be taught to develop. By presenting actual experiences and analyzing them as they are described, the author conveys the developmental thought processes employed and shows a style of thinking that leads to successful results is something that can be learned.

Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers
Highly regarded by experts in the field, this is a book with unlimited applications for undergraduate and graduate students of mathematics, science and engineering. Professionals and researchers will find it a valuable reference they will turn to again and again.

The Art of Probability
Offering accessible and nuanced coverage, Richard W. Hamming discusses theories of probability with unique clarity and depth. Topics covered include the basic philosophical assumptions, the nature of stochastic methods, and Shannon entropy. One of the best introductions to the topic, The Art of Probability is filled with unique insights and tricks worth knowing.

Digital Filters
This introductory text examines digital filtering, the processes of smoothing, predicting, differentiating, integrating, and separating signals, as well as the removal of noise from a signal. The processes bear particular relevance to computer applications, one of the focuses of this book.

Methods of Mathematics
Understanding calculus is vital to the creative applications of mathematics in numerous areas. This text focuses on the most widely used applications of mathematical methods, including those related to other important fields such as probability and statistics. The four-part treatment begins with algebra and analytic geometry and proceeds to an exploration of the calculus of algebraic functions and transcendental functions and applications.

Introduction to Applied Numerical Analysis
This book by a prominent mathematician is appropriate for a single-semester course in applied numerical analysis for computer science majors and other upper-level undergraduate and graduate students.