Books written by Yves Meyer.
Yves Meyer won the Abel Prize in 2017 for his pivotal role in the development of the mathematical theory of wavelets

Wavelets: Calderón-Zygmund and Multilinear Operators
The classic exposition of the theory of wavelets from two of the subject's leading experts. This volume discusses the theory of paradifferential operators and the Cauchy kernel on Lipschitz curves with the emphasis firmly on their connection with wavelet bases.

Wavelets and Operators
The strength of wavelet methods lies in their ability to describe local phenomena more accurately than a traditional expansion in sines and cosines can. Thus, wavelets are ideal in many fields where an approach to transient behaviour is needed, for example, in considering acoustic or seismic signals, or in image processing.

Oscillating Patterns in Image Processing and Nonlinear Evolution
Image compression, the Navier-Stokes equations, and detection of gravitational waves are three seemingly unrelated scientific problems that, remarkably, can be studied from one perspective.

Wavelets, Vibrations and Scalings
Physicists and mathematicians are intensely studying fractal sets of fractal curves. Mandelbrot advocated modeling of real-life signals by fractal or multifractal functions. One example is fractional Brownian motion, where large-scale behavior is related to a corresponding infrared divergence. Self-similarities and scaling laws play a key role in this new area. There is a widely accepted belief that wavelet analysis should provide the best available tool to unveil such scaling laws.